The bathroom in our new house was just awful, so we decided a quick & cheap bathroom reno was what we needed to tide us over until we did the proper one!

Before …..
After …..

Another couple of views showing before and after.

The journey

The bathroom was just too awful! We knew it needed a major renovation, but we also knew that was a long way off. So we had to come up with a quick & cheap bathroom reno to get us to the major overhaul.

So – we decided to remove the ghastly rotten cabinet but leave all the plumbing in place. That would also allow me to give the room a good clean. We also removed all the horrid plastic rails and shelves.

Everyhing is out and we are ready to start again. This is such a wierd house! Most of the walls are made of glass with wooden frames – like this one. I can understand having that in a bedroom or living area, but in a bathroom! As I say – weird.

Our plan was to use a piece of counter-top that we had left over from our last renovation and mount it on battens between the walls – just drilling though the tiles. Then we would install two shelves under the counter-top to take the baskets. The shelves were just melamine from Bunnings.

I bought a variety of square and rectangular baskets from KMart and just fiddled around with them until they all fitted in. The spaces inbetween were perfect for spare towels, etc.

We decided not to paint, because most of the internal walls will be demolished in the major reno so we saved oursleve some time and effort!

We decided on a black colour scheme. It was an easy way to make an impact with such a small room especiall as we had decided not to paint. We changed the taps, shower head, shelving and rails to black – all bought from Bunnings and installed a black surface mounted basin on the counter-top.

Hope you have found this quick & cheap bathroom reno interesting. If you like – you can see some of our other renovations here!