DIY Home & Garden Renovations

Down to Earth Renovations

Welcome to our blog Down to Earth renovations which is about the home and garden renovations we have done! If you already know our website or ended up here through a search – we appreciate your visit and thank you for taking the time to look over the houses we have renovated.

Our renovations are very DIY for a couple of reasons. Firstly, we really enjoy doing them. Secondly, it saves us a lot of money!

We try and re-use or re-purpose as many of the materials as we can. It’s never our plan to try and make the houses look like new builds, we just try and make them look loved!

We have renovated 4 houses and built one from scratch. Our current home will be one of the biggest renos.

Zim Renos

The first house we renovated was Tynwald. It was really quirky and definitely ready for a makeover, and it was all we could afford at the time!

Then we decided to build a home from scratch – Glen Lorne. The block was stunning – it was on a hill and covered with gorgeous msasa trees.

Our last reno in Zim was Ballantyne Park. This house was also on a hill with a very overgrown garden. We thought the house was pretty ordinary but it had potential.

Aus Renos

Wembley Downs was our first renovation in Australia. It was a massive learning curve, the most important thing we learned was to do as much ourselves as we could!

Claremont was our second reno in Aus – a tired and dated little townhouse. The house was in a lovely location and we knew it would be a fun renovation. It was a real challenge renovating in a strata complex, probably one we won’t rush to do again! The council of owners had to approve every change we wanted to make – that was hard work.

Australian renovation # 3 is Darlington. A weird and dated house with a hotchpotch of styles. The block has the most beautiful native trees and grasses but is in serious need of care and maintenance. We hope to transform the house into something more modern with a single simple style throughout.