The back garden and spa renovation was a big job, but lots of fun as well.

There was no garden to speak of when we bought the house. The washing line was smack bang in the middle of the lawn!

We decided to make the spa the feature but we added a tall planter box along the one boundary wall. As a result the trees we planted were already a meter off the ground and created privacy straight away. We also installed decking around the spa.

The back garden before …..

These pictures show a lot of neglect as well as a washing line in the middle of the lawn!

& the back garden after …..

The planter box had the desired affect of raising the trees off the ground and creating privacy almost immediately.

Removing the trees

To make space for the spa we had to remove a couple of large palm trees. We decided to do this ourselves, but it was hair-raising with neighbours so close. I would prefer not to have to do it again!

Then of course – the root has to come out!

Preparing a hole for the spa

We decided to place the spa half-in and half-out the ground. We thought it would look better, but required a hole, a big hole!

The hole had to have shuttering of some sort, so this was ours! You can see all the soil piled up against the house. It would stay there until we were done and could get a skip to take it all away.

Delivery of the spa

The crane managed to get all the way up the driveway!

Then – up over the house and now we just hope the hole is the right size!

Planter boxes

There was still a fair bit to do. The planter boxes had to have good foundations and we had to move all that soil.

Ready for the decking

The carpenter who had helped with the stud walling inside and outside was called upon again to do the decking.

Back garden & spa renovation completed

Thanks for looking through the pictures of our back garden and spa renovation. We have other Wembley Downs renovations here.

And – renovations from our other homes here.