The patio renovation at Wembley Downs!

The house had a patio when we bought it, however it was awful! It was connected to the car port and as a result there was a bit of traffic noise. We had to tackle it in a couple of ways. First we had to remove the old structure and second decide what to replace it with. We decided a far more substantial structure would be the best option. There was a negative tho – it was quite expensive.

The patio before & after

It’s not really fair to compare the two, but it does show the same space before and after. We removed the old structure, separated the car port from the patio and also enclosed the end wall for more weather protection.

The demolition

This was a big job! And probably a little dangerous as well! Luckily the Skilled one of us is tall, so no ladder required! But, the last picture tells a story of a tired neck!

Next up – the new structure

The wall between the car port and patio worked a dream. It created privacy and reduced the traffic noise. The end wall still needed to be installed, but already the space is looking so much better.


The carpenter installed the end wall and now it the rest was up to us.

Painting is done

The common wall with the carport we painted in the same colour as the external render and then for a splash of colour chose a lovely red for the end wall. Although, we did change the colour before selling as we thought red might not appeal to everyone. Patio and boxing gym all in one!

Patio renovation completed

Thanks for looking through the pictures of our patio renovation. We have other Wembley Downs renovations here.

And – renovations from our other homes here.