The TV lounge renovation is just a quick story as it took place at the same time as the kitchen reno!

As you can see from the plan – there are a number of small rooms that are linked and as result it was difficult to define specfic areas. We wanted to create some separation so we changed the layout. The change would affect affect a few rooms, the TV lounge, the kitchen and the entrance.

The floor plan before & after

Changing the floor plan had a couple of benefits. Firstly it made the entrance larger. Second, it created a separate room to watch TV. And importantly created a bigger kitchen.

The TV lounge before & after

It looks so much better with the changed layout and in addition is better use of the space.

The renovation process

These two pictures show the room from opposite ends. The next door neighbours were thowing away a couple of cottage pane doors which we kindly offered to take off their hands. We used them as sliding cavity doors – they worked perfectly!

This picture shows the size of the entrance before the renovation – the wall with an X on it is a hallway cupboard.

In this view, you can see the cupboard on the left and a small half wall on the right going into the TV lounge.

The cupboard and wall have been removed and a few props are in place to hold up the roof before the actual cavity wall and sliding doors go in.

Stud wall & cavity sliding doors

The carpenter has installed the stud wall and the sliding doors fit perfectly!

TV lounge renovation complete

Thanks for looking through the pictures of our TV lounge renovation. We have other Wembley Downs renovations here.

And – renovations from our other homes here.