This is the planned renovation of our house in the hills!

We bought the house in 2021. As with our previous renovations – we will be living in it while we renovate. There is a lot of work to be done in the garden, which we will do ourselves. For some of the building work, we will call on the expertise of Perth Wall Alterations. Everything else we will try and do ourselves!

We bought this house …..

Well, where to start! the houose looks so uncared for and overgrown. Lets just say it’s perfect for a renovation!

The kitchen is not too bad, a bit too much wood for me. It will become the dining room.

The lounge is such a lovely big room. But there is an internal staircase which takes away floor space, so it will come out. The windows are unusual and we hope to replace them with sliding doors.

How stunning is this balcony looking out into the tree canopy. We will take out the staircase, put up a pine ceiling and a couple of overhead fans.

We hope to convert this room into the new kitchen.

We hope to change the windows in bedroom 2 & update it a bit. Bedroom 3 is really small & we will incorporate it into the master.

Oh dear, there’s a lot we’d like to do in this room!

This is another lovely area with lots of potential.

We’ll knock the patio down & tidy up the garden.

This is a pretty nice room, really big. We will tidy it up a bit and modernise it.

We are losing a bedroom upstais and so will convert this room into another bedroom. The fake tudor look will also go!

We have a few plans for these two rooms. We will modernise the bathroom and turn the laundry into a laundry/kitchenette.

We sold this house …..

Nothing to see here yet!

We are a couple of years away from selling this house. However, we will put up regular blogs about how we are getting on.

Thanks for looking throught these picture and feel free to come back and look through the progress as we go!

Our other renovation blogs can be found here.