
About Down To Earth Renovations

We are the Gibbos and we’d like to tell you a bit about ourselves and our blog – Down to Earth Renovations.


We were born and raised in Zimbabwe. We met at high school when we were 15, got married at 22, had the Child at 32 and got the Dog in 2009.

Our backgrounds are in pumps, irrigation, administration and bookkeeping.

We ran our own irrigation consulting business for 25 years designing and installing irrigations schemes all over Zimbabwe as well as a few in Zambia Mozambique and Nigeria.

In 2008 we made the difficult decision to leave Zim and make the move to Perth in Western Australia.

We do our renovations at the weekends, on public holidays and when we can take time off work. We both work full time in other jobs, well almost full time, I work 4 days a week!

One of us is Skilled on the tools, has lots of technical knowledge and is really strong. The other has lots of Ideas, is good with admin – but not as strong!

We try and do as much as we can ourselves and only use a paid professionals where absolutely necessary. What we don’t know – we Google, YouTube or call a mate who does know!

We’ve called our blog Down To Earth Renovations because when you do it yourself there is nothing glamorous about the process. It’s hard work, always takes longer than you planned and makes so much mess. But, if you are organised and patient – it’s really satisfying when you are done!

To find out more about how we went about renovating our homes …

Click the link below